martes, 21 de mayo de 2013

Learning vocabulary

Now you are going to listen a story about five little monkeys jumping on the bed. ?

All the class together, we have to follow the song and dance. Then, after you all recover your breath, sit down and complete as many words as you can!. 
Did you listen well enough? Listen again and then complete:

Five little ___________ jumping on the ________
__________ fell off and bumped his ___________
Mama called the ________, and the ________ said
No more ___________ jumping on the _________.
________ little monkeys ____________on the bed
____________ fell off and bumped his __________
_________  called the doctor, and the _______said
No more ___________ jumping on the _________.
___________ little _________ jumping on the bed
__________ fell off and bumped __________ head
Mama called the________, and the ________ said
No more monkeys_________on the __________ .
Two little ___________ jumping on the ________
__________ fell off and bumped his ___________
_______called the _______, and the _______ said
No more _________ jumping on the __________ .
______ little ________ jumping on the ________
____ fell off and bumped his ________
_______called the ________, and the ______said
No more __________ jumpingon the __________.
(Five) Four little monkeys _______(four)on the bed
(Three)_______feel off and (two) bumped his___________head
(One) Mama called the ________ (zero)and the __________said
Put those_____________ back to ___________.

4 comentarios:

  1. Congratulations!
    I do like your blog design! .
    I think the activity of “Learning vocabulary” is particularly useful to help students improve their vocabulary. You have created a good resource to share with people interested in teaching English in a more motivational way.
    If would suggest you to insert a link to a document that can be printed (of course it is just a suggestion because it is easy to follow the activity on the blog).
    To finish, I will tell you that I have added your blog to my favourites.
    Congratulations again.

  2. I really like the song you chose for your activity. Certainly, it will catch children's attention. It can be easily followed by beginners and young learners, since it is predictable and contains repetition. Besides, the video adds meaning to the song. That's why, I think it could be an interesting way to intruduce vocabulary and grammar patterns.
    The fill-gap exercise is completely suitable for a class, although it should be printable, as mentioned above.
    In general, I find the activity motivating and appealing to children.
    Thanks for the good job!
    Kind regards.

  3. Dear Juana,

    I really like the song you are using in the activity, "Five little monkeys", by The Mother Goose Club.
    I think that The Mother Goose Club songs, videos and all their resources are really good for our primary students, because they are very funny and coulorful, so they catch the attention of our students.
    I have also used this song in my blog, between other reasons because it is one of my daughter´ s favourite songs, so I think it could be funny for other children.
    I will wait for new entries on your blog, to work out learning and having fun with my students.
    Ester Fernández
